Life of an Artifact

Life of an Artifact

WHAT HAPPENS TO AN ITEM IN THE COLLECTIONS? When historic items walk through the door, museum staff always gets excited. It means we are going to hear new stories and learn more about our local history. The donor will meet with the curator and share what they know...
History At Home Webinar

History At Home Webinar

The Museum is hosting “History at Home,” a virtual speaker series exploring different themes from Colorado and local history. Join us October through March, every Thursday at 7 pm for an hour of virtual presentations, discussions, and panels. Through...

She Will Not Be Silenced Window Exhibit

Window Exhibit She Will Not Be Silenced: Celebrating 100 Years of the Female Vote December 12, 2019 – January 31, 2020 Throughout the fall semester of 2019, we, a cohort of students in the History Department at Western Colorado University have been working on a...
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